I moved to Helsinki from Petrozavodsk, Karelia, to study law there and, of course, to experience life in a new setting! There I will share my thoughts and photos of daily life in Helsinki and Finland as a whole.

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26 Jun 2015

Petrozavodsk State University

Four years ago, when I was entering Petrozavodsk State University, people were asking me, why. Why not some more prestigious institution, with the capital city lifestyle and status? 
My home university (if "home university" is not a common collocation, I do not care - I believe, the word home explains what I mean best) has given me the chance to learn law and translation (I still believe that phonetics is sometimes much less understandable than the most difficult concepts of let me say financial law), travel as exchange student and a university employee, meet amazing people to learn new from them and share my experiences, get inspired and aspire for more.  

So, no goodbyes in a radical sense!