I moved to Helsinki from Petrozavodsk, Karelia, to study law there and, of course, to experience life in a new setting! There I will share my thoughts and photos of daily life in Helsinki and Finland as a whole.

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5 Feb 2017

Payments that do not pay off?

I am an ordinary student with only two years of experience of working in academic field and no official competence in student marketing.  I base my thoughts on my basic intuition, my personal feelings of being (partly) tackled by this reform and comparisons. And I also partly base it on the feeling of confusion I faced when my friends and visitors of student fairs in three different Russian cities kept me asked about scholarship systems in Finnish universities back in autumn.Back then, early birds were already getting their letters of acceptance from the oldest universities of Europe. Pages with vital information on scholarships were still under construction. However, they already had a pricelist for studying at the master degree. 

I am a 22-year-old student from Russia. Back in year 2014, I had my first experience of applying to master degree programs. At that time, I knew that I would not have to pay tuition fees if I get admitted. I applied for four master degree programs in the Netherlands and for two – in Finland. From two out of three universities I applied for in the Netherlands I got quite attractive scholarship offers that would secure my life there.

However, I had my own personal motivation to apply to study in Finland. I knew Finnish already by that time and I had already had experience of studying as an exchange student in Finland (quite many students I knew from my exchange in Joensuu later returned to study and work in Finland) and I wanted a two-year, not an one-year master degree programme. The last argument is still standing, but all the others one have become much less persuasive.

So far, the amount of applications to the University of Helsinki have already dropped by third. Articles optimistically cite that this drop is a filter for non-motivated students, the quality of education is deciding factor and that according to some statistics, internationality indicators stay the same. Is that true?

Well, the student does not exist in the vacuum. To be determined to go to Finland, you shall have reasons for strong motivation. Family ties? Most likely, then you are already freed from paying tuition fees. Combining work with studies? The same. And you are financially stable and eligible for a student loan which may be an unachieveable dream for an average student.

So, we deal with a different target group. Namely, introduction of tuition fees tackles mostly another category – flexible and mobile students in search of open cultures, new experiences, innovation and possible challenges. They may want to travel with reindeers, see the Northern lights, study super-complicated Finnish language, but they are rational people who are weighing all offers. By the time the application period at the University of Helsinki ends, this student most likely already holds offers from the universities from other countries. If the student is talented and motivated, he or she most likely has a full scholarship offer that shall be accepted… right, just before a Finnish educational institutional in question starts to send out letters of acceptance. That was also my case, and it took long for me to weigh all options and come to Finland.

Education is not only about dreams, values and inspirations. It is also a market. 
Decision to introduce tuition fees had an economic rationale. I have no competence to discuss whether it was right or not. Moreover, we cannot reverse the system back. However, it is obvious that now selling Finnish education system as open-minded, accessible and welcoming becomes more and more difficult. Talent hunting for Finnish universities has entered the stage when they cannot slow down on their way. If the whole incentive to apply to Finland changes, you cannot solve the problem just by putting “don`t forget to pay your fee in time” clause in the old product.  Even more effort, financial and mental, shall be spent to restore this.

And it is not only about criticism. I believe, that whatever the result is it, now other stakeholders may have the better incentive for internationalization. The trade unions and private corporations will have a stronger role in taking role of internationalization and support of those who decide to come to Finland. Because those who decide to do so, will definitely be dedicated to stay even more. Creating more internships where “Finnish as a mother tongue” would not be a must, offering more feedback and counseling would be a win-win situation. In a number of feedback forms I have been filling in so far, there was no option even to insert that my study language in Finland is English. Of course, you can write this comment in some other field. But marketing and creating a brand is all about nuances, that we cannot easily walk by.

18 Apr 2016

Как в Хельсинки с нескрываемым азартом Тотальный диктант писали

Хельсинки, 16 апреля. Диктант пишу второй раз, из них первый раз за рубежом. Наверное, это добавляет событию особую важность. В родном Петрозаводске, например, писали диктант на дне озера. Писать диктант в небольшом и уютном детском центре культуры «Музыканты» в пяти минутах ходьбы от дома не так экстремально и необычно, но по-прежнему мотивирующе! Наверное, когда пишешь диктант на дне озера, понимаешь, насколько это волнительно, но одновременно и понимаешь, что русский язык – твой основной язык общения, коммуникации с семьей, друзьями, коллегами и оттачивать его знание ты можешь ежечасно. Учась в магистратуре Университета Хельсинки, я все чаще осознавала, что гораздо удобнее писать заметки на английском, а даже с русскоговорящими друзьями переписываться по-фински: так мы учим этот сложный язык. На русскую коммуникацию отводилась пара часов онлайн-дебатов и общение с родными и близкими друзьями, которые не только снисходительно отнесутся к многочисленным пропускам запятых, ну и поймут тебя с полуслова. Зачем уж тогда городить сложные грамматические конструкции и заморачиваться сложными правилами? 

Попытка набрать дружную и большую команду ребят провалилась: в ход пошли самые различные аргументы. И то что английский – наш главный язык обучения, а не русский (я учусь на юриста в Университете Хельсинки), и то что диктант можно написать онлайн, и многое другое. Кто-то в шутку спрашивал, можно ли присоединиться к детскому диктанту (у нас в Хельсинки был и такой!), чтобы привыкнуть к формату постепенно. Потратив время на агитацию, я забыла оставить часть времени на подготовку к диктанту. Где-то в середине диктовки промелькнула мысль, что правила прямой речи подзабываются, а вопрос выбора между кавычками-«елочками» и кавычками-«лапками» стоит весьма остро. А в начале диктовки вообще написала «эллинны» вместо «эллины» (наверное, по ассоциации с эстонским написанием «Таллинна», не иначе!). Вовремя и твердой рукой вовремя зачеркнула лишнюю «н». 

Домой я довольно унесла три книги, две из которых – замечательные словари. Получила их за хорошую работу и красивый почерк: вот оно, влияние латиницы, пишу на русском не прописью, а печатными буквами!
Говорят, подарки не передаривают, и, наверное, так оно и есть, но свои призы я с гордостью передарю моим друзьям в Хельсинки, которые еще только осваивают русский язык, но делают это с энтузиазмом, который, пожалуй бы, воодушевил бы весь русскоговорящий Хельсинки прийти на Тотальный диктант. И здесь я говорю не только о тех, для которых русский язык – родной язык или один из родных языков. Надеюсь, что в следующем году организаторы в Хельсинки учредят специальный диктант для тех, кто изучает русский как иностранный. А если не учредят, не беда: уверена, многие пойдут писать диктант и в общей номинации, не побоясь ничего!

P.S. Родители прочитали заметку обо мне в проекте «Русский язык-24». Сказали, что я могла бы рассказать о том, что сидела на занятиях русского языка на первой парте, написала ЕГЭ по русскому языку на 100 баллов или ходила на республиканскую олимпиаду школьников по русскому языку (всё это правда). А я взяла и зачем-то рассказала, что в прошлом году схлопотала «двойку» (как сейчас помню: 9 ошибок, из них – 2 орфографических, 7 пунктуационных). Сейчас тоже не отличница: подвел «нескрываемый от смертных азарт». И тут дело даже не в оценках, а в том, что все наши знания русского языка находятся в динамике и развитии, а значит, скрываться от Тотального диктанта, ссылаясь на плохие или хорошие оценки в школе, не разумно, как неразумно и стесняться плохих оценок на диктанте. Грамотность – явление не врожденное и даже не приобретенное в школе, а постоянно нами развиваемое, в том числе, признанием и принятием своих ошибок и слабостей. Пожалуй, эта главная мораль Тотального диктанта. Или даже главная мораль в том, что в любые сложные времена именно язык, вот это дружное и воодушевляющее обсуждение правил грамматики и орфографии действительно объединяет нас всех, где бы мы ни находились? 

И самый последний постскриптум: автор приносит извинения за возможные ошибки. Другими словами: см. последний параграф о постоянном и динамичном развитии грамотности!

2 Jan 2016

Random Helsinki photos (23.12)

It took me one week to start missing Helsinki when being at home in Petrozavodsk and I decided to sort some photos (made by Olga Petrova).

Kallio church on the background (as well as the whole Kallio district of Helsinki). 

What was easily noticeable during Christmas time is simplistic decoration of Christmas trees. Soft yellow lights make the trees look so cosy and home like! In my home town, Christmas (better to say, New Year) trees are decorated in all these crazy colours. It looks nice but still not as nice as Finnish Christmas trees!

Rock Church (Temppeliaukio Church) is one of my favourite places in Helsinki. Some of my local friends try to scare me tellling that it is too harmful to visit it often because of radiation. However, I rarely have enough free time to calmly take a walk there, so it is surely not harmful.

 Lights at Esplanadi helped easily to fight off possible simptoms of depression caused by traditional winter darkness (well, I am from Karelia, I should be used to it).

Kaisatalo looking as a space aircraft. Definitely a place where I spend most time last semester. In Russia, I considered libraries dark places, where you are forced to study in the company of a couple of other students who also visit it rarely. It was a kind of cultural shock to get to know that you can warm up your own food in the library kitchen, enjoy the view at the outdoor terrace, drinking tee (almost for free) or just study in silence (or laughing and talking, if you were lucky enough to book the groupwork place).

It takes only a five-minute walk to get to the almost real forest from my apartment. No matter what time of the year it is, it is a great way to escape worries (on foot or cycling), organise a picnic, take your friends to urban hiking (a miniature version of) or just go there alone.

Sunset in Kivikko, Helsinki (24.12, photo by me)

20 Dec 2015

Xmas mood

Nothing special, only another way to create festive mood at the Christmas market at Teurastamo (old slaughterhouse now used as a venue for fairs).

16 Dec 2015

Recalling studying Russian law and great times at Petrozavodsk State University

It seems that there has been a suspicious absence of law-related posts in my blog recently. There is no other choice but to correct it! I will start from publishing the article on law educaton in Russia, which was published in latest issue of Inter Vivos magazine for law students of the University of Helsinki.

What I was keeping in mind when writing it is that there is actually no many grounds to criticize Russian legal education system for. One can name the lack of focus on studying foreign language and it is sadly true, especially after bringing into force new standards, which prevent studying to take minor degree without additional payments. In all other aspects, I am happy that I have spent my bachelor degree in a small but so home-like Petrozavodsk State University, despite being told right from the submitting the application documents to the secretary that staying in a "provincial" university would turn out to be a huge mistake. 

As I mention in the article, there are so many common hobbies uniting law students despite the ranking position of their university. And definitely there is always the chance to go forward and develop yourself. The aim of bachelor degree is to give strong foundation and strengthen interest in future steps, no natter where they will be undertaken. It has happened!

14 Dec 2015

Every law student needs some childish magic

My moomins collection and snow which doesn`t melt that soon helps me to feel a bit more childish and see each new day not only in the light of approaching deadlines:)

5 Dec 2015

#LearnSwedish reading news easily

I went to German language cafe yesterday (last one of this semester, time is running fast!) and made observations that in my mind German words start to mix with Swedish. It is time to rehearse Swedish, really!

It seems that I have found a good resource for that: http://arenan.yle.fi/barn

Actually, you still can look for resources aimed not only at children and even read political news from the first months of studying this language (my progress with Finnish was not that fast).

All in all, my experience of studying Swedish is not extremely encouraging, but it really suits any business schedule. So, it basically comprises of reading news and stories during metro trips to the university and back.

The list is short:

8Sidor The articles there were easily understandable for me from the first month of me studying Swedish (or maybe my brain just was working extremely good during sunny August days?)

svenska.yle.fi I like the new design which allows to read the headings and first paragraph with the most essential and easily comprehensible information. Also, a good way to keep up with what is happening in Helsinki.

Klartext More difficult than Klartext, but still quite useful for me as a person who has been studying Swedish on her own and quite occasionally.

Sesam also seems to be a useful resource.

Please, note, my advice is based on me trying to get the best of studying the language alone due to the total overlap of law classes with classes offered by Language Centre. Anyway, I think lättlästa texter på svenska is a great way to boost the confidence in your language skills even at the beginner`s level:)