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11 May 2015


Debating has been a part of my university life throughout four years of my bachelor studies, bringing so much organisational, emotional and essentially debating experience both in Russia and Finland.

Two years ago we were competing against amazingly experienced debaters, CAs of the tournaments, which followed our debate debut (that is, CAs of Turku Open and Helsinki Open).

And two years later Joensuu Debate Society is proudly represented by three teams and two judges. I may feel disappointed about personal performance, but it it would be too selfish of me. Otherwise, I feel so happy that the debating culture in Joensuu is evolving, uniting bachelor, master degree and PhD students all over the world, promoting open dialogue and striving towards understanding of global problems, may it be political or economic issues. I have played a certain role at this at certain period of time, which makes me so happy. Breaking to semifinals is certainly a step of the debate success ladder - but until that moment I am just so proud that my initiative to create a new devate society helped me to gain the confidence, leadership skills, meet friends, travel and discover something strong and weak sides of your own.

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